For: Volkswagen Beetle FLOOR PANS and FLOOR PAN PARTS
Full Left (Driver) Side Floor Pan
With Seat Tower with seat track

VW Beetle & VW Super Beetle 1973-79


Questions? Talk to us!

Part #: 111-701-061Q

Floor panhalvesinclude installed rear seat tracks. 1973-onward rear Danish quarter floor pans also include installed seat tracks. (Danish quarter floor pans from
1946-72 do not include the seat tracks.)

Full length VW Beetle and VW Super Beetle floor pans from 73-79 do come with center seat towers. Jack supports are either installed or are provided separately.
Add-on tracks can be purchased separately for repairing existing floor pans.

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Give us a call: Mon-Fri 9 to 5 Eastern Time
or 401-789-0472